ADRiMP addresses the need for professionalization
in Disaster Risk Management in Sri Lanka. . .
The Association for Disaster Risk Management Professionals (ADRiMP) Sri Lanka is an assembly of professionals representing varied disciplines to nurture a culture of safety in Sri Lanka from the impact of disasters and provides a platform for dialogue to achieve effective implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) and the Paris Agreement (2015–2030) for combating climate change and advocacy for policy initiatives and related matters thereof.
ADRiMP Activities
Events Gallery
Climate Change and Agro-Food Sustainability For Enhanced Disaster Resilience
- 8:30 am
- GapHQ, Colombo 7

Become a member. . .
Interested in joining our Association and gain the opportunity to network with other DRM professionals in Sri Lanka? You can apply to become a member and get the relevant details here.
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ADRiMP Secretariat
Ministry of Disaster Management,
3rd Floor, 120/2, Vidya Mawatha, Colombo 07.
T: 077 755 5655
F: 0112-670 079