About ADRiMP

In May 2015, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction adopted the Sendai Declaration, urging states to better understand disaster risk, strengthen disaster risk governance, invest in disaster risk reduction and enhance disaster response to ‘Build Back Better’. Its implementation compels the channeling of expertise from multiple disciplines for informed decision making and innovative policy formulation.

In Sri Lanka, recognition of disaster risk reduction (DRR) as a core competency of professional disciplines is yet to be achieved. This is also the ground reality in South Asia. Realizing this, the SAARC Disaster Management Centre has initiated a process to bring together a multi-disciplinary team of professionals to serve its member countries to provide policy advice and facilitate capacity building services including strategic learning, research, training, system development, expertise promotion and exchange of information for effective disaster risk reduction.

In Sri Lanka such expertise available is scattered in silos of professional disciplines and not utilized in the current realm of DRR in the country. The commencement of the Association of Disaster Risk Management Professionals of Sri Lanka (ADRiMP) aspires to address this need. ADRiMP is an assembly of professionals representing varied disciplines to nurture a culture of safety in Sri Lanka from the impact of disasters and provides a platform for dialogue to achieve effective implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) and the Paris Agreement (2015-2030) for combating climate change and advocacy for policy initiatives and related matters thereof.

Objectives of ADRiMP

  • To provide a forum for discussion of matters of professional interest and for consideration of all matters related to disaster and climate risk management in the country by recognizing and maintaining standards and ethics of disaster risk management professionals.
  • To foster the participation by the disaster risk management professionals in matters of national and regional interest for disaster and climate risk management and promoting such interest by co-operation with Government, Non-Government and Private Sector stakeholders.
  • To serve as a knowledge hub for promoting research in disaster and climate risk management.
  • To serve as a think-tank and an advisory body for the promotion of a culture of safety and integration of national endeavors with regional and global initiatives.
  • The provision of such facilities and services that are conducive to furthering of the objectives of the Association.

ADRiMP Flyers: